Who We Are
SIGMA Surplus was born out of a major, yet unaddressed, need in the automation industry. When your production line is down and you’re in need of a hard-to-find or obsolete component, what do you do? Every tick on the clock is potential revenue down the drain, and a long lead time from the original manufacturer only makes it worse.
What We Do
SIGMA Surplus is the solution to your parts needs. We offer reliable, name-brand automation components for nearly every type of machine in the industry. Our used, new and open-box inventory of more than 100,000 items is coupled with fast, same-day shipping and personalized service to create a one-stop solution for our customers.
We save you money with reliable, discounted products and we help you save time by providing genuine, name-brand parts shipped as fast as possible.
SIGMA Surplus is proud to stand against manufacturing waste and support your sustainability efforts. We work to breathe new life into old and obsolete products; after all, automation components belong on your production line, not in a landfill.